Quiz Cart: 2 Set up Business Information

Quiz Cart: #2 Set up Business Information


  • This step is only to enter the contact information used to generate automatic emails once a purchase is made, but it does not constitute an invoice.

  • When using this feature, you’ll be required to set up the Payment integration first. Please review the following KB about how to activate the Payment Integration


This article is part 2 of 9 from our Quiz Cart instructions.

Step #1: Configure Invoice Information

  • Click on the Cart option located on the top menu bar

  • Once there, Scroll down Invoice Information, and click to access 

  • Take the time to configure the following information:

  1. Name or Company Name

  2. Email

  3. Phone

  4. Address

  5. Tax ID

  6. Logo of the company

Step #1: Configure Transaction Email

In This Section you will find two subsections:

  • Set up Your Email Layout: This shows a preview of the confirmation email that people received after making a purchase. There is not much to change here unless you wish to change the language of some texts, for example, “Thanks for your purchase”

  • Email Notification: This option sends an automatic email notification each time there is a successful purchase. Enter the preferred email address and click the Save Changes button located on the top right corner of the page.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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