Quiz Cart: #1 Payment Integration

Quiz Cart: #1 Payment Integration


  • Bucket.io will ask for two different token codes from Stripe to complete this integration. 

  • If it’s the first time using this integration you’ll be prompted to enter some basic information, please take a moment to fill out the forms, or else, stripe won’t generate the code needed to activate the integration.

  • For reporting and statistics purposes, you won’t be able to change the currency initially configured.


This article is part 1 of 9 from our Quiz Cart instructions.

Step #1: Find the first token code

  • Click My Account located at the top-right corner

  • Click Add New Integration located on the left-hand side

  • Click the Stripe icon to open the integration window and go to “Request Permission…” - this will open a new browser tab.

  • You’ll be asked to put your stripe login details, then click Continue

  • The new tab is a Stripe page where you are asked to select an account, click Connect

  • You’ll be presented with a Stripe code, copy it, and go back to bucket.io

  • Add the Stripe code and click on the Continue button

  • Once completed you can close the Stripe page

Step #2: Find the second token code

  • The integration pop-up will reload after adding the first token code and will show again “Request Permission…

  • Another browser tab will be presented with a second Stripe code, copy it, go back to bucket.io, past it in the required field, and click the Save integration button.

  • After saving the integration, the system will open a new pop-up asking to select a currency, Select the Currency from the drop-down menu, and click Confirm button to save

Note: For reporting and statistics purposes, you won’t be able to change the currency initially configured.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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