Quiz Cart: #7 Dashboard

Quiz Cart: #7 Dashboard


This article is part 7 of 9 from our Quiz Cart instructions.

Step #7: Dashboard

This section displays the summary of all transactions within sales and payment forms. Analytics are presented in three main areas:

My Dashboard

  • Date Range: Use it to set the date and time span to filter purchase activity

  • Total Gross Revenue: Total Revenue in the time frame selected not including refunds

  • Avg. Customer Value: Average revenue based on the number of customers

  • Avg. Oder Value: Average revenue based on orders.

  • Total Customers: Number of customers that have purchased in the time frame selected

  • Total Orders: Number of orders in the time frame selected.

Sales Summary

  • Gross Sales: Total number of sales made within a period of time

  • Refunds: Total refund made during a period of time

  • Sales Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who purchased over the total number of visitors.

  • Refund Rate: the percentage of the total transactions that were refunded during a period of time

Best Selling Products:

Here you will see the ranking of your products organized from best to least popular

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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