Quiz Cart: #6 Orders

Quiz Cart: #6 Orders


This article is part 6 of 9 from our Quiz Cart instructions.

Step #7: Orders

In this section you will be able to manage all the orders received, they will be organized in the order you received them. Click over the order to check the summary of the order:

After clicking the order you will see the Summary where the Customer Details, Order Details, Current Balance, and Transaction History will be available.

  • Refunds: Within the Order summary you will be able to process the refunds, Click on the Refund button to process the refund of an order. Note that the refund action will be displayed in the Transaction History within the order summary.

  • Order Status: In the list of orders the last column will display the order status Approved with a green check icon or Refunded with a back spiral icon.

  • Export Order Report: In the Orders section you will be able to export the orders received in a CSV file. Click on the Export button located on top of the list of orders and provide the best email where you need to receive the CSV file. 

After receiving the email with the CSV file right-click the Download button and then select the "Save As" option

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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