Quiz Cart: #5 Product List

Quiz Cart: #5 Product List


This article is part 5 of 9 from our Quiz Cart instructions.

Step #5: Product List

In this section, all the products created will be displayed, where you can preview, edit and delete the products:

  • Preview Product: Click on the Eye icon located in the Action column and this will show a summary of the product, Edit button is available in this window.

  • Edit Product: Click on the Pencil with a paper icon located in the Action column, where you can edit the product created.

  • Delete button: Click the Trash Can icon located in the Action Column, this will enable a warning message where you will need to click on the “Yes, Delete It!” button to confirm you actually want to delete the product. Note that this action can not be undone.

Note that you can create new products from this section using the Add New Product button and following the instruction in step # 3 to Create Products.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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