[2.0] Insert Google Ads Tracking Code Inside bucket Quizzes

[2.0] Insert Google Ads Tracking Code Inside bucket Quizzes

Before we begin, it is important to understand that Google Ads tracking is not a native integration yet, and this process is still experimental, leaving the door open for a native integration in the future to easily help bucket.io users to track conversion using a funnel.


  • Need to have a Google Ads account

  • Once completed, It is recommended to test the configuration to ensure that everything is being tracked correctly

Step #1: Click on Edit

Step #2: Access Tracking code Section

Once inside your quiz, click on Settings and then on the Tracking Codes option.

Enter the Global Site Tag code provided in your Google Ads Account in the <Head> section of your funnel.

Step #3: Add Events Snippet.

In the Tracking Code section you will find an option called Add your Tracking Code, where you will be able to add the Events Snippet individually in your Lead Capture and Outcomes pages.

  1. Turn on the Section

  2. Select the page(s) you want to track suing the drop-down menu

  3. Add the Event Snippet code.

  4. Click on Save Changes

Step #4: Track Conversion through Google Analytics (Optional)

If you want to track opt-ins, you could consider using Google Analytics native integration to accomplish this. In Google Ads account select the Import option when creating a new conversion.

This option might require further investigation on your end, since you need to connect the Google Ads account with the Google Analytics account, since the purpose of all this is to make your funnel events transferred and identified as conversion in the Google Ads account.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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