Before you begin The first step to preparing your integration is planning. Begin by deciding what information you'd like to collect from your customers and how you intend to use that information once it's collected. Build your Segmentation Funnel ...
About Zapier Integration Using Zapier, a popular third party integration service, you are able to pass information collected in your Segmentation Funnels to external software and service providers (an email service provider, for example). ...
The Top 3 Issues you may face: Zapier is unable to find your Segmentation Funnel or Discovery Survey. Unable to Distinguish Between Zaps Data sent is not immediately available in your Email Service Provider portal 1. Zapier is unable to find your ...
The list of email service providers that work in conjunction with Zapier is extensive. To determine whether your email service provider is available: Step 1: Go to Step 2: Perform a search on the Zapier's app directory Step 3: ...