[2.0] Facebook Domain Verification *Required if you're running ads

[2.0] Facebook Domain Verification *Required if you're running ads

To give you some context: 

As we all know, Facebook is notorious for making constant changes to their advertising platform and this year they've been particularly busy. 

With the release of Apple's iOS 14 and subsequent security standards that have been put in place, Facebook had to implement a Domain Verification process using Aggregated Event Measurement. This will support your efforts to preserve user privacy, and help you run effective campaigns.

To learn more from Facebook on how iOS 14 may affect your ads, please click here.


  1. Effective February 2021, these changes we’ve mentioned will impact your quiz ads as it relates to bucket.io. It's not a major change, but it's important to know because it will add some steps to your ad set up process.
  2. If you have seen a message that says something like… "This event hasn’t been set up on any of your domains." It means that you will not be able to run a conversion campaign to a domain that you do not own, like using bucket's built-in domains (ie go2.bucketquizzes.com). Instead, you’ll need to use your own.
  3. According to facebook’s documentation, there are three different ways to get your domain verified with them:
  1. Add a DNS TXT entry to your DNS record to confirm ownership (our personal recommendation)
  2. Upload an HTML file to your web directory and confirm domain ownership in Business Manager
  3. Add a meta tag to the <head> section of your domain home page

The process

  1. Buy a domain (if you don’t have one already)
  2. Register a sub-domain in bucket.io and publish a funnel
  3. Verify your root domain on Facebook


Step #1: Register a sub-domain in bucket.io and publish a funnel:

To register a domain in bucket.io, please follow the steps in this article; Add Custom Domain. Once completed, publish a funnel following the instructions from; Use Custom Domain.

Once you have that set up, you'll be able to verify your domain on Facebook.

Step 2: Verify your domain on Facebook following the TXT option:

That part is pretty easy too. It will require you to log in to your domain provider and update your DNS with a TXT string that Facebook provides.

  1. From your Business Manager profile click "Business Settings" which is the small gear icon located at the bottom-left corner
  2. From the left-hand menu select Brand Safety and click Domains


  1. Then you will see the steps to verify your domain whether it’s via DNS verification or HTML File Upload
  2. From the drop-down menu select the TXT record option and follow the instructions

Let’s review the TXT record. When prompted, copy the code verification code provided and log into your domain’s registrar

  1. Navigate to the DNS settings page
  2. Select add a record of type TXT, if required enter an “@” symbol in the hostname field
  3. In the content field type “facebook-domain-verification=(paste here the verification code provided in the business manager)

The record you’d add should look like this:

  1. Wait for your DNS changes to be accepted, then return to Business Manager and click “Verify”


What if I don’t have a domain?

Well, now's the time to get one. Honestly, running ads to a domain that you own will give you a slight uptick in conversion, and it helps you stay on Facebook's good side (which is pretty important right now). Plus, they’re relatively inexpensive, and a great investment as a business owner.

Will this impact the ads I have running?

As of right now, it does not look like this will impact any ads you have running, only NEW ads that you create. That said, as this rolls out, Facebook will eventually force you to make this change to all ads.

How do I roll this out if I already have a live quiz?

The best thing to do is duplicate your quiz and attach the new quiz to your new domain by setting up a redirect under your Settings in bucket. Review this article for instructions on this: Redirect Link.

When running different ads, do I need to set up a different subdomain on my own website for each Bucket opt-in? Or can I run them all through the one subdomain?

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