Segmenting audiences in bucket 2.0 can be accomplished via two different methods - Mapping, and Scoring. This article will explore the difference between these two.
It is an operation that associates each element of a given set (question/answers) with one or more elements of a second set (buckets or post-quiz results).
In bucket 2.0 the logic behind mapping is based on +1 point(s), meaning that each time a question/answer is linked to a given bucket it would give the bucket one point if the audience chooses that specific answer. For instance, say we have Q1, Q2, and Q3 with three answers each A, B, and C, which are mapped to buckets A, B, and C respectively. So if someone was to answer A for Q1, then B for Q2 and finally A for Q3 we would have at the end 2 points for bucket A, 1 point for bucket B, and 0 points for bucket C. which then makes bucket A the winner.
Note: If the results were tied, bucket would display the one located first in the sequence, meaning B wins over C. Therefore, it is recommended to double-check the possible points for each bucket running a few tests using the preview mode before publishing.
It is an operation that associates each element of a given set (question/answers) with one or more elements of a second set (buckets or post-quiz results). In bucket 2.0 the logic behind Score is based on ranges, where the buckets have a numerical range and each question/answer has a score. The score of the selected answer will be added and afterward, the total score will be matched with the bucket ranges to determine the winning bucket. For instance, say we have Q1, Q2, with three answers each where the scores are as follow:
And the bucket ranges are set as follow:
So if someone was to answer A (score of 10) for Q1, then B (score of 20) for Q2, we would have at the end a total score of 30 points, which evidently makes bucket B the winner, since 30 belongs to the range of 21 to 40.
Note: If after the questions, the total score obtained doesn't belong to any score range, it will display the bucket located first in the sequence. Therefore, it is recommended to double-check the possible points for each bucket running a few tests using the preview mode before publishing.
Whether you are looking to set up buckets based on score or mapping, please refer to articles