[3.0] Best Practices in Creating Prompts in Freestyle

[3.0] Best Practices in Creating Prompts in Freestyle

With the power of Bucket’s Freestyle AI comes great responsibility. We want to make sure you get the most out of your credits and have a few items you should be mindful of when writing your prompt. 

1. Start with an action word.
Do you want AI to take you seriously? Then always start your prompt with action words like Create, Write, Make, and Generate instead of starting with ‘Can you’

2. Provide context.
A doctor can better diagnose a patient's condition with a clear context of the symptoms. Similarly, Bucket AI Words can generate a relevant answer with enough context for your question.

3. Use double quotes.
When speaking to someone or presenting, how do you emphasize the importance of a word?

4. Be specific.
No one likes being vague because it does not leave any actionable insights to work on. Bucket AI Words also cannot generate good responses with vague prompts.

5. Give examples.
Want Bucket AI Words to get inspired from the existing content piece? Then using examples in prompts can help you get the desired responses.

For instance, you want to write a book review based on an example.

6. Include the length of the response.
Bucket AI Words does not know if you want a crisp two lines response or a comprehensive paragraph for your prompt. It would come up with its response length if not mentioned in the prompt. To avoid confusion and regenerations, it is good to specify the response length in the prompt.

Another best use case is asking Bucket AI Words to elaborate or shorten the text.

7. Handhold the AI.
Like we said before, AI is a machine and needs to be instructed clearly on the task, and when we say hand holding, we are not exaggerating. In particular situations, it is crucial to tell the AI what to do, what to avoid, and what to prioritize.

8. Specify the tone.
If you are using Bucket AI Words to write an email or a funny meme, specifying the tone can make a huge difference.

We hope these help on your path with Freestyle and using Bucket! 

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