[2.0] Using UTM Parameters for Tracking Affiliates

[2.0] Using UTM Parameters for Tracking Affiliates

UTM parameters are simple text codes that you add to your funnel links before sharing them via social media, email, etc. These codes help you track the source, medium, and campaign of your traffic. For example, you can use "utm_source" to identify the social network or newsletter name where the link is shared, "utm_medium" to identify the type of traffic such as paid social, and "utm_campaign" to give a name to each campaign.

Here's an example of a URL with UTM parameters:

The UTM parameters are everything that comes after the question mark (?), and an ampersand (&) separates each variable. By adding the parameter "&utm_source=" to your funnel links, you're tagging every visit that comes from that link in a way that says, "this visit came from such and such." So, your "Source" UTM parameter will state where the traffic is coming from.

Track your affiliate marketers:

  1. Duplicate your quiz and publish them to obtain different links for each one.
  2. Then, you can add UTM parameters to each link to identify the affiliate marketer and their traffic
For example:
Affiliate #1

Affiliate #2

See how each piece of important is added for tracking purposes:
  1. Source: name of the affiliate
  2. medium: where the leads are coming from
  3. campaign: name of their campaign to promote your quiz
Note: you don't need to use all these variables, just use the ones you need.

It's important to note that UTM parameters transfer at the end of the quiz to any external page can only be accomplished using the External URL component. Therefore, UTM parameters transfer will not work if the external redirect at the end of the quiz is accomplished in a Thank You page, Sales pages, or Webinar pages. For further information about how to use the External URL component, please look for the article "Setting Up External Redirects."

In summary, using UTM parameters in your funnel links can help you track the traffic generated by your affiliate marketers and link their quizzes to different email providers. This is a simple and effective way to optimize your funnel and increase your conversions.

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