[3.0] Setting Up External Redirects

[3.0] Setting Up External Redirects

The bucket.io quizzes have the ability to redirect the traffic to an external page after the quiz, this can be accomplished in two different ways:

Use External URL Component

On the Canvas section use the External URL component:

  1. Drag and drop the External URL component at the end of the quiz flow
  2. Connect the previous component to the External URL component
  3. Add the URL of the site where the audiences will be redirected to
  4. If the URL is correct it will show a green check circle

Redirect from Thank You page

From the last page added in the quiz, buttons can be added to redirect the audience to a different page using the URL of these pages:

  1. Open the last page of your quiz by clicking on Edit
  2. Add a button, or click the existing button
  3. Once selected, click on thProperties button
  4. On the Properties, click Edit URL
  5. Select Web Address option Pop-up page and enter the URL where you want to redirect 
  6. Then Select how would you like the redirect to be open, select New window to open the redirect page in a new window, or select This Window to open the redirect page in the current window.
  7. Click on the Done Button
  8. Repeat from step 2 for other buttons on the same page

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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