[3.0] Scoring Questions to Determine a Bucket

[3.0] Scoring Questions to Determine a Bucket

This article assumes that a Quiz Result Page has been already created (if not, please review the article Building A Quiz Results Page), and also that all questions have been created in the Canvas.

After creating your buckets,  a critical first step to building Funnels is to assign buckets based on how people answered questions. Whether you’re starting from scratch, or from a template, scoring questions to assign buckets is what determines their result page.



If you're new to the software, take a few moments to review the terminology we use to discuss Scoring.

  • Buckets - are created to segment people into different groups based on how they answered questions. These are built inside the Quiz Results Page.

  • Quiz Result Page - is the area in Canvas that contains your buckets. It is meant to go after the Quiz Questions and before the Lead Capture Page. This page is not visible for quiz takers, it is an internal page (for your eyes only), where the software calculates results based on how they answered questions, which helps to determine their respective Post-Quiz Page.

Step # 1 activate the scoring function

  • Locate the Quiz Results Page in the Canvas

  • Click Score located at the top of the Quiz Results Page

  • Each bucket will populate to fields with value 0 - this is where you determine the score range for the given bucket. Assign values to set the results based on the scores your participants achieve. 

Step # 2 Assign Scores to answers/choices

  • Locate the question(s) that you wish to assign scores to. Each choice/answer has a field with a value of 0 next to it.

  • Assign scores to each choice/answer

  • Repeat the same process with other choices/questions as needed

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