[3.0] Non Pre Quiz Page

[3.0] Non Pre Quiz Page

Bucket.io wants to introduce a new way to build your funnel flow allowing more flexibility. Now you will be able to add Webinar functionality, Products from the very first page of the funnel, with a new component called Non Pre Quiz Page, which also will allow multiple paths from this page.


  • Cloning existing funnels is required to edit the funnel flow

  • Non-Pre Quiz Pages can be linked directly to Questions, Lead Capture Pages, Sales Pages, Webinar Pages, and Thank You pages.

  • A Quiz Results component is required if Questions are added to the flow.

  • A Quiz Results component is not required if questions are not added.

  • When the AutoStart functionality is enabled the connection used is the first one, this can not be changed.

Step #1: Add a Non Pre Quiz page

Drag and drop the Non Pre Quiz page to the Canvas

Step #2: Select the type of page

Once a Non Pre Quiz page is added the system will ask what type of page you want to use: Landing Page, Webinar page, Sales page

Step #3: Select a Template

After selecting the type of page, you will be able to select a template available for the type of page selected.

Step #4: Select the number of connectors

Then select the number of connectors you want, these serve as nodes to connect your components within the canvas components, you can choose from 1 to 10 depending on your preference, this way you can simplify or diversify your flow:

Once added you will notice that the Non Pre Quiz page will have the number of nodes selected. This article covers how to configure them in Step #6

Step #5: Edit Non Quiz Page

Click on the Edit button to edit the page 

Step #6: Configure the Non Pre Quiz page

Configure the Non Pre Quiz page based on the type of page selected:

Non Pre Quiz - Landing page:

This is a page that doesn’t contain Webinar times or Products, and the buttons on this page can be linked to Questions, Lead Capture Pages, Webinar Pages, Sales Pages, and Thank you Pages. Therefore, the buttons need to be linked to the expected path. Click to select the button you want to configure, Go to Properties and click on Edit URL. From the pop-up page, the Start Quiz option is selected by default and you can select the Connection you want to use if the button is clicked and Save the configuration by clicking on the Done button.

Non Pre Quiz - Webinar page:

This page is used to add Webinar times that your audience can be selected to be registered. The buttons on this page can be linked to Questions, Lead Capture Pages, and Sales Pages. Therefore, the buttons need to be linked to the expected path. Click to select the button you want to configure, Go to Properties and click on Edit URL. From the pop-up page, the Start Quiz option is selected by default and you can select the Connection you want to use if the button is clicked and Save the configuration by clicking on the Done button.

Note that a Lead Capture page is required so that your audience can be registered correctly for the Webinar time selected. 

Non Pre Quiz - Sales page:

This page is used to add Products that your audience can purchase within the Sales Funnel. The buttons on this page can be linked to Questions and Payment Forms. Therefore, the buttons need to be linked to the expected product and path. Click to select the button you want to configure, Go to Properties and click on Edit URL. From the pop-up page, select the Product option, then from the drop-down menus select the product that will be purchased and the Connection you want to use if the button is clicked and Save the configuration by clicking on the Done button.

Note that a Payment Form is required so that your audience can purchase correctly the product selected.

Step #7: Connect Non Pre Quiz page to different paths

Once all the buttons on the Non Pre Quiz page are configured correctly, you can link the different connections to the respective flow, As an example we will be using a Landing Page template and 3 connections

  • Connection 1: Questions Flow

  • Connection 2: Webinar Flow

  • Connection 3: Sales Page Flow 

Feel free to explore any other flows 

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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