[3.0] Funnels Page

[3.0] Funnels Page

Manage, Organize, and Edit your Funnels

The Funnels page is where you manage, organize, and edit your funnels. It is displayed when you click Go to Funnels on the Get Started section of the Dashboard, and also Funnels on the top navigation menu. Here’s a detailed overview of the Funnels page and it’s features.

View by Status 

Funnels in bucket.io belong to any of three status types: Active, Inactive, and Draft. Active refers to published funnels, Inactive to funnels that have not been used in a while and were unpublished, and Draft funnels are those that have not been published yet. 

The View By Status section on the Funnels page allows you to filter your funnels according to their status. This is set to All by default, meaning it displays all your funnels regardless of status.

To narrow down the list, click any of the other options. To expand the list without displaying all of your funnels, select two options together, for example, Active and Draft. Selecting all three options is similar to selecting the All option.

Status is displayed at the bottom of the funnel name.

View by Tags

The View By Tags section on the Funnels page allows you to filter your funnels according to the tags assigned to them. Click a tag to display the funnels with that tag. You can select several tags at once to display the corresponding tagged funnels.

Tags in bucket.io are a way to organize your funnels by campaign or some other classification based on your processes. They are particularly handy when you have already set up more than a few funnels. For example, if you have several campaigns running at the same time for Black Friday, you can add a Black Friday tag that can then be assigned to these funnels. You can then easily filter your funnels by the tag next time you want to see how the campaigns are performing.

By default, you already have the Favorites tag in your list of tags. Funnels that have been favorited (done by clicking the Star icon to the left of each funnel) are tagged as Favorites.

To add a new tag, click Create New Tag, enter the tag name, then press Enter on your keyboard. The tag then gets added to the list under the View By Tags section of the Funnels page.

To remove a tag, position your cursor over the tag, click the Delete icon once it appears, then click OK on the confirmation message.

To assign a tag to a funnel, click Add Tag at the bottom of the funnel, then select the tag from the list.

To un-assign a tag from a funnel, position your cursor over the tag, then click the x icon that appears to the right.

Create New Funnel

From the Funnels page, click Create New Funnel at the Top menu to go to the Canvas and start creating a funnel. 


The Search bar at the top of the list of funnels allows you to search for a specific funnel. This is particularly handy if you know the full funnel name, or a part of it.

To search for a funnel, enter its full name or part of it on the Search bar, then either press Enter or click the Search button to the right. The list is then filtered and displays only the funnels that meet your search criteria. 

Sort By

You can sort the list of funnels using the Sort By option on the top right-hand corner of the Funnels page. By default, the list is sorted by the Last Updated Date in descending order. You can also sort the list by Last Updated Date in ascending order, and funnel name by either ascending or descending order.

List of Funnels

Your total number of funnels is displayed at the bottom of the Search bar on the Funnels page.

Each funnel in your list displays the number of visitors, completions, and opt-ins for the funnel. Visitors refer to people who accessed the funnel link, Completed refers to those who went through the funnel, and Opted In refers to those who provided their contact information. 

To update a funnel, click the Edit button. If the funnel is active, you will be asked if you want to clone it and edit the copy, or edit the currently active funnel. *Please note that once a funnel is published, you will be limited on the type/extent of edits that can be made, and these will be listed / explained in the pop up window when trying to edit.

You can also view the insights from your participants’ answers by clicking the Analytics and Responses button to the right. From the Options menu located on the right-hand side, you can un-publish (applicable to published funnels only), duplicate, or delete a funnel, view its settings, and also get the Link of the funnel (Preview and Live Links).

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via support@bucket.io

Mon thru Fri, from 8:00 to 17:00

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