[3.0] Creating Questions

[3.0] Creating Questions

Like other funnel components, Quiz Question components are customized through the Builder tab. 

After creating a Pre-Quiz Page (see Building a Pre-Quiz Page), the next step in funnel creation is to create the questions for your audience. There are two ways to create questions in bucket.io 2.0 - let’s look at these below.

Note: For more information on creating funnels, see Starting a Funnel from Scratch and Starting a Funnel from a Template

Step # 1

On the Canvas, drag your Quiz Question components to your funnel. You can add any of the following Quiz Question components:

  • Radial questions allow only one response to be selected from the choices
  • Check questions allow more than one response from the choices listed
  • Short Text questions provide a small text box where the audience can enter their response
  • Long Text questions provide a longer text box for more detailed responses

Note: We recommend adding all components and setting up the framework of your funnel flow prior to editing the design elements or details of each section under the Builder tab. For more information on the different types of components that can be used in your funnels, see Canvas.

Step # 2

You can use any one of the two options below to create questions:

Option 1:

  • Click a Quiz Question component, position your cursor over the Write your question here line, then click the Edit button when it appears 
  • Enter the Question name on the box, then click somewhere outside the box
  • To add an optional description of the question, position your cursor over the Add a description here line, enter the description, then click somewhere outside the box 
  • Click the option boxes below and enter the choices there, clicking somewhere outside the box each time you complete an entry
  • Repeat the procedure for all your Quiz Question components

Note: Questions created using this option are minimally formatted. If you require rich text formatting in your questions, use Option 2 below to create your questions.

Option 2:

  • Click a Quiz Question component, then either click the Edit button at the bottom of the component or the Builder tab on the top-left, right below where the funnel name is displayed.
  • On the Builder, enter the Question name in the area where “Write your question here” is displayed. 
  • Use the Rich Text Editor at the top to format the questions accordingly. For example, you may select another font family and font size for the question.
  • You may also change the question’s Popup and Question properties from the menu on the left. For more information on these properties, see Quiz Questions Builder.
  • You may also add an optional description of the question on the line right below the Question name.
  • Enter the choices on the boxes below, clicking somewhere outside the box each time you complete an entry.
  • To add more choices, click Add another option on the bottom.

  • If your funnel includes several Quiz Question components, you can navigate to them from within the Builder.

  • Once you have completed creating your questions, exit the Builder by clicking the Canvas tab on the top-left.

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