[3.0] Creating a CNAME Record - Generic Instructions

[3.0] Creating a CNAME Record - Generic Instructions


Having your own domain name registered in bucket.io gives you some clear advantages, such as: 

  • Brand awareness 
  • Build reputation
  • Increase confidence in your audience and credibility
  • Give you and your business a more professional look
  • Search engine positioning

Bucket.io allows for the registration of an unlimited number of domains that can be used with an unlimited number of funnels - meaning there is no limitation to the number of domains that one can register, nor the number of funnels that can be published to the same domain name.

Please note that when publishing funnels, bucket.io will always add a funnel ID next to each domain name, i.e. https://success.com/sf/bb6f7073 with bb6f7073 being the ID that bucket will add at the end of your URL. This unique ID will be added to every bucket.io funnel that you publish.

To keep in mind:

A CNAME cannot be placed at the root domain level, because the root domain is the DNS Start of Authority (SOA) which must point to an IP address. CNAME records must point to another domain name, never to an IP address. Meaning that setting up a CNAME record will result in a subdomain, and it’s the combination of the host/name plus the root domain name. For example:

For this sample domain that we have called atthegym.com, the Host or Name was set as "survey" which made our custom domain survey.atthegym.com note how the piece "survey" is also part of the domain, and that is how it needs to be registered inside bucket.io, for example:

If the Host or Name is not included when registering your domain in bucket.io it will instantly fail the verification process.

Let’s get started!

STEP # 1: In Your DNS provider

  • Log into your domain's provider settings
  • Access your domain list and select the one you wish to use in Bucket.io
  • Go to your Domain Name Server (DNS) settings
  • Add a CNAME record pointing to "domains.bucket.io"
  • If the DNS provider is asking for a "Host" name you can use "quiz" or any other word you'd like to use to build the subdomain. For instance, say we have the domain getbucket.com, when setting up the CNAME we used "test2" as the host so it will result in test2.getbucket.com. in other words, the Host or Hostname is something you will come up with
  • Allow changes to populate. The TTL (Time To Live) indicates how long it takes to complete the task. If attempting to register a domain in bucket.io before the TTL is completed, would result in a failed verification.

STEP # 2: In bucket.io

Once logged into bucket.io, click the account profile located at the top-right corner - usually this is the user’s initials.

  • By clicking under account name or profile, it deploys a drop-down menu, click My Account
  • Click Custom Domains
  • Click the Add custom domain green button
  • A configuration guideline will pop-up with instructions from Step #1 in this article, if you’ve completed them just click the Continue button (orange) at the bottom-right corner of the pop-up
  • It will open a new pop-up with a field where you should insert the domain name. Please make sure you don’t include https:// as it’s not necessary
  • Click the Create & Verify Domain button (green) and it will automatically display a confirmation message at the top of the screen
  • Finally, your domain status should display as “Verifying” - meaning that it went through successfully. The verification process could take up to 5 minutes and after that the status changes to “Verified”.

If the custom domain verification fails, it could be for one of the following reasons:

Duped CNAME:

  1. Your Custom Domain couldn’t be verified because more than one CNAME or A record was found. To continue, please log into your Domain registrar’s DNS Settings and make sure only the required CNAME is active.
  2. Custom Domain already in use: The domain name you provided is already associated with an existing bucket.io account. If you own this domain name and believe this is an error, please contact us at support@bucket.io.

Missing CNAME:

Your Custom Domain couldn’t be verified due to no CNAME record found. To continue, please log into your Domain registrar’s DNS Settings and add a CNAME record as instructed in Step #1. 

Not Configured:

Your Custom Domain couldn’t be verified  due to the CNAME record not being configured with the Bucket.io address. To continue, please log into your Domain registrar’s DNS Settings and configure your CNAME correctly as instructed in step #1.

Check DNS:

Your Custom Domain couldn’t be verified because we were not able to resolve your domain. To continue, please check for possible problems or limitations with your DNS provider. 

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